
Conversion Optimization

This is what’s up in 2020!

Manually Approve Conversions for Selected Affiliates

Did you ever want to approve conversions manually for few of your affiliates to maintain the quality and stop fraudulent activities?

With this latest feature addition to our platform, now you can set all the conversions received in a pending status for selected affiliates. This will allow you to review their conversions manually and approve manually to avoid confusion between you and your affiliates.

To activate this follow these simple steps,

For existing affiliates, go to affiliate profile -> Edit -> In affiliate settings, set Approve Conversions Manually to enable status.

For new affiliates, Set Approve Conversions Manually to enable status when creating the account

Hide Inactive Conversions From Affiliate Managers

Using this fresh feature as mentioned above you can do what the title says, Yes! you can now hide inactive conversions from your affiliate manager by just one click.

To activate this feature,

Go to Settings > System Preferences > Affiliate Settings > Set the option of “Hide inactive Conversions from Affiliate Managers” to Yes

We always put our clients 1st and do listen to your requests as you can see here.

So really, what’s stopping you from joining us? As far as we are concerned… NONE, but if there’s something that you want to talk to us about and get it resolved, click on this to contact us instantly on Skype.

Still having second thoughts despite all these fascinating features? Give our 1 month free trial a try and see the magic for yourself, Click Here to signup for our free trial.

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