
Offershub vs Offer18

Offershub tracks using the most advanced technology available, allowing us to provide our clients with real-time statistics and ensure that we don’t miss a single click.

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Offershub should be preferred over Offer18 for several reasons.

Concerns over lost revenue, lost users, or lost clicks?

You won’t experience any click loss with Offershub which is generally 9-10% on any other platform. Offershub employs sophisticated tracking to make sure that clicks are precisely captured in real-time, removing both the possibility of click loss and the possibility of income loss.

Are you falling for a low-cost panel that offers less functionality and limited user access?

Selecting Offer18 can look like a good deal, but limited number of users and features are what you give up. Offershub provides unlimited users access, full features, and round-the-clock support—even on our most basic plan. Do not be duped by seeming savings.

Is 24X7 support provided without any charges for custom feature development and new integration?

As you have indeed heard, Offershub offers round-the-clock customer service and will not charge extra for customizing features or adding new API connections.

Features Face-Off - Offer18 VS Offershub​

  • Offer18
  • Offershub 🏆
Features Offer18Offershub 🏆
Affiliate Dashboard
2 Way API
User Friendly UI
Live Dashboard
24x7 Support
Mass Mailer
Global Backup URL
Trial Period14 Days30 Days
Custom Feature DevelopmentPaidFree

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We will make it easy for you

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